

What is this website?

If you found yourself on this page, you likely have that question in your mind.

Well, the reason for this is simple: I want to grow personally and as a Catholic in my relationship with God.  I'll be doing different types of posts, but a mainstay will be my weekly reflection on the each Sunday's Readings.  You will also find my thoughts on life in general, where one of the regular updates you’ll see are what I’m terming “Life Lessons”, where I’ll attempt to summarize my life’s experience in weekly installments.  Other topics I'll cover will be those that interest me, and will include book reviews, travel, hobbies, food, drink, and life in general.

Why are you posting your reflections each Sunday's Readings?

Too often, I find myself distracted each weekend in the pew, whether it’s one of my kids (I have two, a boy, 6, and a girl, 2), lingering work issues from the previous week (project management), or just life (weather, what to have for dinner, which kid has an event that I forgot about, did we start the laundry?...).  With that in mind, I’ve decided to try to get ahead of my distraction and reflect on the readings prior to the Mass each week and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Okay, but why post those reflections?  

Well, here are my reasons, not necessarily in order, but:

  1. It will hold me accountable. 
  2. To share my thoughts and experiences along this journey as an ordinary person’s walk with Jesus and God through the each Sunday's Readings.  (Well I feel like I'm an ordinary person...)
  3. Hopefully, I can bring others along for the ride.

Nice, thanks for the primer.  What if I want ask a question, tell you what you missed, let you you’re wrong, or just say hi?

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, thoughts, or issues - contact me via email. 

And with that behind me, we’ll begin.

- Drew

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