Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time - February 16, 2025 (Year C)
This week, a consistent theme delivers an always-relevant message: Put your trust in the Lord, and all will be well. From the stark contrast of the images provided in the First Reading to the Beatitudes delivered by Jesus in the Gospel, we hear the virtues that are attainable, if only we will listen and follow. The Psalm reiterates this message as well, encouraging us to live in God's light.
St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians gives us the reason - Christ has won. It is a consequence of combining faith with our default human condition that what seems easy and straightforward on paper is not so in practice. Of course I don't want to be like the wicked, those doers of evil from long ago who are driven away like the chaff of wheat in the wind. But when you ask me if I want to be satisfied here and now on earth (with money, food, etc...), my gut response would likely be yes. It is the internal conversation that happens in response to these questions of life where our choice is made. We choose between satisfying the base desires of our human natures or our longing to live according to God's love. And yet, that is why St. Paul tells us to live according to the truth of the Resurrection. Jesus has been raised, and therefore the sacrifices and decisions that are made in opposition to our human nature are done so with the hope of our joining in that eternal celebration.
I'm reminded of a quote from CS Lewis, where he said that "There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then have it your way." We should all strive to be counted among the former.
Disclaimer: This will be at the bottom of all reflections, but I’m not intending to put out any sort of professional critique, attempt at a homily, or investigation into the historicity of the readings, but will “let the Spirit move me” as some say, to share what has spoken to me in my reading and reflection on the set of Readings for each week.
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