Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - February 2, 2025 (Year C)
In listening to Jeremiah's words in the First Reading, he reiterates God's importance in our life, which is reiterated in the Psalm. To paraphrase these: God is our salvation, the source of our strength, the backbone that keeps us upright. God is our refuge and our protector, and will provide solace in times of need. This rings true especially to me, as I am reminded of my need to place more importance to be mindful of God's influence and more gracious of the gifts provided to me. I find myself too often distracted by the problems of the day and feel like I must tackle them all alone. Jeremiah words reassure me that God is here and will provide aid, whether directly through those gifts given or indirectly through those sent into my life. I'm sure we're all familiar with the Second Reading, or at least the latter part of it, due to its popularity in use at wedding ceremonies. The first part of the reading is bracketed* this week, and provides a great i...